Here is the next episode of our Explain Podcast!
This time Iuliia Novoselova and Daniel Rickert are talking about cute avidites from Element Biosciences – you’ve heard of them! If not – this is your chance… 😀
Then…you’ll learn about
QuickGen: Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
Bioinfo Tools: jellyfish 🪼
Check for chapters and go straight to the one which interest you – or listen from A to Z to get the full flavor! Tune in to find out more and learn with us!
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Spotify supports chapters which makes it easier to find nuggets – check it out & rate our podcast if you’re using mobile version!
Supported by the West German Genome Center and Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network, we’re dedicated to discuss genomics & transcriptomics tech in the way YOU could understand 🧬💡
🎙️ Recorded at the Multimediazentrum, University of Düsseldorf