Summer School 2025

Summer School 2025

We are proud to announce our 5th Summer School taking place in May 2025!

This course will focus on training young researchers in the cutting edge field of Spatial Transcriptomics – with some Single Cell Transcriptomics.

The hybrid module is designed to provide an extensive overview of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics technologies, offering both foundational knowledge and advanced insights into their applications.

The in-person module in DRESDEN-concept Genome Center will consist of hands-on training on spatial transcriptomics, both for bench work and for bioinformatic analysis. They’ve prepared an amazing stuff for you…

The aim of this school is to introduce students to the field of Spatial Omics, focusing on Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics (SRT). SRT technologies, which have shown exponential growth in recent years, allow an unprecedented detection of spatial organization of gene expression within tissue context leading to new understandings of biological questions.

Find more information about dates, registration, application…and more at

NGS-CN Summer School Logo is created by Juliana Roscito. Data images are kindly provided by Kenneth Peuker and Julieta Aprea. Coordination power is gratefully taken from the West German Genome Center


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