Explain Podcast Episode 12 is out!

Explain Podcast Episode 12 is out!

Here is the next episode of our Explain Podcast!

This time Iuliia and Daniel are getting into the PacBio Onso Sequencing… then Iuliia explains genetic testing at the QuickGen segment and Daniel recommends us yet another bioinformatic tool – samtools – at the Bioinfo segment.

Check for chapters and go straight to the one which interest you – or listen from A to Z to get the full flavor! Tune in to find out more and learn with us!

Let’s keep the conversation going – choose the platform where you like to listen to the episode: https://ngs-cn.de/explain-podcast/

Spotify supports chapters which makes it easier to find nuggets – check it out & rate our podcast if you’re using mobile version!

Supported by the West German Genome Center and Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network, we’re dedicated to discuss genomics & transcriptomics tech in the way YOU could understand 🧬💡

🎙️ Recorded at the Multimediazentrum, University of Düsseldorf


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